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For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat,

I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,

I was a stranger and you invited me in,

I needed clothes and you clothed me,

I was sick and you looked after me,

I was in prison and you came to visit me. 

Matthew 25:35-36.

About Us

New To You Thrift Shop and Port Thrift are non-profit ministries of the Niagara area Be In Christ Churches. Our volunteer board of directors operates as Christian Benefit Shop Inc. and we maintain associate store status with the Mennonite Central Committee. We are committed to follow Christ's example in reaching out to all people in our community, especially those in need. Working in partnership with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), we exist to recycle and sell quality, donated items at reasonable prices.  Profits from our operations will be used to support MCC's relief efforts as well as needs in the local community.



Our History

The first MCC thrift shop opened its doors in Alton, Manitoba in 1972. Since that date over 100 stores have opened in North America, over 50 stores across Canada.


MCC is involved in over 60 countries around the world helping those in need.  Thrift shops are just one of many of MCC’S fundraising programs. 


There are two different structures of shops, those owned and operated by MCC, and Associate shops. Associate shops are independently owned, but operate in partnership with MCC, benefiting from MCC’s brand recognition and from their ongoing support of store operations.


New To You Thrift Shop is an associate store, and was the first associate store in Ontario.  We opened our doors on August 27, 1974 under the name Christian Benefit Shop. We are owned by a non-profit organization which is run by a board of directors made up of members from the church community who volunteer their time.


After the success of our Welland shop, we realized there was also a need for a similar shop in Port Colborne. In 1984 we opened our sister shop Port Thrift, which still operates today.



Learn More about MCC and their mission here

Volunteer Today

We are always accepting applications to volunteer here at the store! While we cannot offer everyone a spot, we do our best to match up willing volunteers with openings that suit their skill set.

New To You Thrift Shop 

59 Southworth Street N.

Welland ON L3B 1Y3

(905) 735-4010

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Port Thrift 

12 Charlotte Street

 Port Colborne, ON L3K 3C6

(905) 835-8532

For directions, visit our CONTACT page. 


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